Julie Parache, Bradley instructor
Julie is a fully-affiliated Bradley Method® instructor.
Julie is passionate about educating women and their families about childbirth. She has a strong belief that women’s bodies are designed to give birth and she trusts in the natural birth process because 90% of the time, birth goes as it should. Julie says, “Pregnancy is one of the most life-affirming and miraculous moments in a woman’s life, but more and more often it’s treated like an illness. Tragically, women in our culture are completely unfamiliar with the process of giving birth until they have a baby themselves, and for most of us, the ‘unknown’ can be intimidating and scary. Without meaningful education and preparation before labor, our concern for our babies may lead us down the slippery slope of unnecessary medical intervention. I want to help put the control back in the hands of laboring women and their partners.”
Ever since her first child was born 8 years ago using The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth, Julie has been committed to sharing the knowledge she’s gained from her experience and training with as many families as possible. Teaching The Bradley Method® is the most effective way she knows to empower a pregnant woman and help her and her partner prepare. It has a great track record – 86% of Bradley-trained mothers have spontaneous, unmedicated vaginal births. With its strong focus on staying healthy and low-risk during pregnancy, especially through nutrition, it is a proven method that prepares couples for many different birth scenarios. It is one of the only methods to proactively train and involve the coaches in pain management and active support of the mother.
Besides giving birth to two children herself, Julie has helped nearly 200 families prepare for the birth of their babies. Julie has earned the respect of the medical community, not only through how well prepared, informed and flexible her students are, but also by having numerous doctors, nurses and chiropractors attend her class in preparation for their own babies. Julie has also attended many births in both home and hospital settings.
Julie understands that there are an infinite number of variations in birth and respects the fact that every couple needs to make choices based upon their particular circumstances. She understands the need for patience and flexibility during the labor process and respects that each labor experience is unique. Julie feels that her primary role is to educate couples as much as possible so they are able to remain relaxed and make informed decisions during the birth.
Everyone is welcome in Julie’s class regardless of where and how they plan to give birth. Julie’s warm and non-judgmental approach sets the tone for the classroom, allowing participants to connect with the material as well as each other.